Thursday, January 11, 2007


After college I eventually found myself at a 24 hour gas station working the late shift. One night,,,one morning I began a series of portraits of different people I found in magazines or newspapers or the backs of books. This was the very beginning of my use of color pencils and it began a long exploration of being an artist.

The series eventually became 59 portraits on 11"x18" paper. I had a show at a small gallery called the Omphale in Calumet Michigan where I got to hang the set together. In time I moved on to other works and soon decided to stick with one medium to see what I could learn. The color pencil became my favored tool. The following series grew into the 3 larger green ladies in my earlier posts and I eventually began an exploration of the mandala, still with my trusty pencils. The people series gets taken out now and then and each time I notice a stronger response from people who see them.

Ultimately I will try to publish them in a book form. That will be the dream final form for this series. It is a contemplation on what makes humans human, evolution and meanings. Incidentally, I originally chose green because I thought it would be funny. My continuing studies and reading revealed a common use of green as the color of the heart chakra.


Anonymous said...

HI Marc (k). I am Melissa HRonkin, the current OAS art teacher--this is my 4th year. John Shiner has been telling me about your stuff for a coupla years now. Finally, Kim, your sis, found your website for us. I love your work. I showed work at the Omphale in 1998. When was your work there? Where did you go to school? I wonder if I've ever met you? Anyway, next time you are up, please stop by the room or get in touch with me. It would be great to have you in to at least talk to the upper level kids. my e-mail is Hope to hear from you! Melissa

Anonymous said...

I remember the gas station napkins. Someday when you are famous I will have a good story to tell. Hey wait - it's a good story regardless of fame. It is good to see your work getting out for the world to see.
